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12 lug 2021 · Aggiornamento: 11 set 2023

Rinoplastica presso clinica KEIT

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Costo approssimativo: 2.000 €

Valutazione di Friday:

I recommend the clinic for anyone who has problems like mine and who wants to make a difference in his look Consiglio la clinica a chiunque abbia problemi come il mio e voglia fare la differenza nel proprio aspetto.

I had nose surgery at the Keit Clinic and successfully came out of the surgery : I had trouble breathing and had broken my nose when I was a little girl. I always wanted to have Keit clinic to perform my nose surgery, because there are the best plastic surgeons and not only... I recommend the clinic anyone who has problems like mine and who wants to make a difference in his look


Commento (1)

Hi Friday!

Welcome to the community 💐
Thanks for your post, extraordinary result.

How is it going?

Dear greetings 😘

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